EXPLORING 🔍Breast Anatomy😲Function of Milk Ducts!🌸🌸#shorts #postpartum

Exploring breast anatomy function of milk ducts
breast anatomy animation postpartum tips.

❀ Hi, I’m Dancee a certified birth doula! Are you ready to prepare for your painless dream birth?
Start Here! ⇩ 4 Keys to a Fearless Momma Birth EBOOK + FREE Mini Birth Class Bundle!

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All information shared is for educational purposes only and framed through the lens of birth in North America. Please consult with your care provider before attempting to try anything suggested in my videos. Anything mentioned in any of my videos are never to replace the advice of your doctor or midwife. Make sure to check with them for any medical advice.

Fearless Momma Birth, Inc and Dancee Pinkston will not be responsible or liable in any way for any injury, loss, damages, costs or expenses suffered by you in relation to this video or its content. You are responsible for your own safety.


I am a IDI certified Birth Doula, nutritionist and momma in the DFW, Texas Area! For more information and resources, come find me @Fearless Momma Birth

#fearlessmommabirth #doula #birthcoach

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